Server & Licensing

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License agreements are used in conjunction with workstation and server platform software to increase the number of users or devices that can use a particular piece of platform software.



Linux operating systems are open source software designed for building server and High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms upon. Common application uses would be for data analytics, deep learning and AI.

Tekspek An in-depth guide into tech: Gigabytes and Gibibytes 64 Bit Operating Systems

Software Applications

There are a wide range of applications for server compute platforms including email, web hosting, Sharepoint, SQL and many many more.


NVIDIA vGPU Licenses

Virtual GPU (vGPU) is the umbrella term for NVIDIA's software for virtualising the power of its GPUs across a network. By licensing users from a server level, organisations can deploy virtual PC, workstation or server profiles that allow remote delivery of desktop, professional graphics or high performance compute applications to any device, anywhere.


NVIDIA Omniverse Licenses

NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise is a software platform that provides content creators, engineers and scientists with a common digital environment for working together on projects.

Try Omniverse Enterprise for free

Scan provides free access, for qualified customers, to a live deployment of Omniverse Enterprise, enabling your content creators and IT team to discover the collaborative working benefits for themselves.

Find out more.
